General Terms and Conditions

company Svoboda pro kováře s.r.o, ID: 07065167, with its registered office at Zlíč 64, Česká Skalice 55203




1. Preamble


These General Business Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the GTC) apply to the purchase at, which is operated by Svoboda pro kováře s.r.o., ID: 07065167, with its registered office at Zlíč 64, Česká Skalice 55203. These GTC regulate relations between the Buyer and the Seller in the area of ​​sale of goods between Svoboda pro kováře s.r.o., ID: 07065167, with the registered office of Zlíč 64, Česká Skalice 55203 (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") and its business partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").


All contractual relationships are concluded in accordance with the legal order of the Czech Republic. By submitting an order, the Buyer confirms that he has become familiar with these Terms and Conditions and forms an integral part of the Complaint Procedure. These Terms and Conditions

the Buyer is notified of, and has the opportunity to become acquainted with, sufficiently before the order is executed.




2. Definitions


1. Seller


The seller is Freedom for smiths s.r.o, ID: 07065167, with registered office at Zlíč 64, Česká Skalice 55203.


2. Buyer


The buyer is a consumer or a businessman.


The consumer is a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling the purchase contract with the Seller, is not acting in the course of his business or other business activity or in the independent exercise of his profession. In commencement of business, the consumer only passes to the Seller his contact details necessary for the smooth execution of the order or, where appropriate, the information he wishes to have on the purchase documents.


Seller's legal relationships with a consumer expressly not governed by these GBCs are governed by the relevant provisions of the Act. No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code and Act. No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, both as amended, as well as related regulations.


Businessman means:


a person registered in the Commercial Register (especially a trading company),

a person who does business on the basis of a trade license (tradesman registered in the Trade Register);





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a person who does business on a basis other than a trade license according to special

(such as the liberal professions as advocacy, etc.), and






a person who operates agricultural production and is registered in a special regulation.



Seller's legal relationships with the Buyer, who is an entrepreneur, are not explicitly regulated by these

GTC or the Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer are governed by the relevant provisions of the Act. No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended, as well as the related regulations.


Seller's Individual Agreement with the Buyer is superior to the business terms and conditions.


3. Consumer Contract


Contract of purchase, work, or other contracts according to the Civil Code, if the contracting parties are on the one hand the consumer and on the other side the supplier, respectively. Seller.




3. Processing of personal data


The seller will fulfill the delivery of goods by handing the goods to the buyer or by handing the goods to the first carrier, thereby also transferring the buyer the risk of damage to the item. The product availability is always given in detail of this product. The delivery time depends on product availability, payment conditions and delivery terms, and is up to 14 days. In normal cases, we ship the full purchase price within 2 business days of payment. The delivery deadline is always given in the email confirming the order. The purchase of the purchased goods is not included in the delivery. In addition to the shipment, the Buyer will receive a tax document / invoice.


The delivery period begins with the goods that will be paid to the Buyer at the time of takeover, ie the cash on delivery, on the effective date of the purchase agreement under Article IV. of these GTC. In the event that the Buyer has opted for a different payment option than the payment of the goods upon receipt, the delivery time begins to run

up to the full payment of the purchase price, ie from crediting the relevant amount to the Seller's account.


Seller accepts the following delivery terms:




Czech Post


up to 50 kg


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Within 7 days of purchase, we provide the free exchange of goods, and within this free exchange, it is possible to send the goods to the buyer 2 times, either by sending a new size of goods or by another product.


In the event of return of the goods, the Buyer Seller shall pay the cost of postage within 7 days






4. Warranty and Service


When selling consumer goods, the warranty period is 24 months; in the case of sale of food goods, the guarantee period is eight days, the sale of feed for three weeks and the sale of animals for six weeks. If it is

on the sold goods, its packaging or the instructions attached to it, marked in accordance with the special legal regulations the term of use of the case ends, the warranty period expires after the expiration of this period.


The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused by its normal use. For items sold at a lower price, the warranty does not apply to defects for which the lower price has been negotiated. If the item is used, the seller is not responsible for defects


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